Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Official birthday

today at 5:28pm Caitlin will officially be 2 years old. Happy Birthday, I love you!

Monday, June 21, 2010

chris and caitlin

my friend took these pics on saturday, i love them!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

2nd birthday party!

Caitlin turns 2 on wednesday, but i am leaving to go to a wedding in VA then, so we decided to have her birthday party today. I invited some friends and family over to play, eat, and hang out. we had a really nice time. Caitlin got to play with her friends and was very happy to do that! I just can't get over how much she has changed in a year. i mean, just look at that picture. wow! i posted all the pics on Facebook since most everyone is a part of that these days. But it was a great day to celebrate. Time is going way too fast though!!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

not consistant

well, an update to the potty situation. there really is none. things were going pretty good for a few days. then our schedule got all crazy and it hasn't been the same since. i know for potty training to be successful you need to be consistant. and i'm just not there. so no wonder caitlin isn't either! we have this coming week, then the weekend is caitlin's b'day party, then the following week Grandma Kinion and Aunt Kathleen will be coming and I will be leaving for a trip to Virginia for my brother's wedding. so i'm guessing the whole potty thing will remain inconsistant till July-ish. unless by some miracle caitlin decides totally on her own that she will train herself. that would be cool.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

potty training 2

i'd like to say we have overcome potty training, but the reality is that we are nowhere close. yes, she will sometimes go pee when i put her on the potty but she is not yet coming to me when she has to go. in fact, i think she is coming to me right after she wets her diaper. so i guess its all trial and error. at least she's not scared of the potty!