Thursday, February 4, 2010


- a couple days ago caitlin was playing with her stuffed animal kitty. she put it on the ground and turned and said "come on!" to it and started walking away. when it didn't follow she took its tail and dragged it by that to the living room. (something tells me it will be a long time before she gets a real animal pet!!)

-took her to the playground at chick-fil-a about 5 months ago. she was so scared and cried. so the other day we went thinking she would be fine with it now. nope, i was wrong. my legs have never been held onto as tight!

-not only does she try to play with our birds, but talks to them too---when we leave the house she says to the birds "bye bye babies" and then when she goes to bed at night she says to our quaker parrot Guiness "night night nennis"

-she got ahold of one of my books. and even though there are no pictures in it she loves to sit and "read" it. and when you try to take it away from her she gets really upset until you give it back then she keeps "reading" it.

-yesterday she came with me to my doctor visit. she was doing fine until they brought in the blood pressure machine (you know the pole with the bp machine that hangs off it?). OH.MY.GOSH. poor caitlin saw that and SCREAMED! she started crying hysterically. the poor girl was terrified of that machine...i guess she thought it was going to be used on her. she kept reaching out for me to hold her, but my arm was being occupied with the blood pressure cuff. i felt so bad for her. but once they rolled that machine out of the room she calmed down immediatly. the staff at the dr. office entertained her well for me the rest of the visit :)

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