Tuesday, March 2, 2010


since sunday afternoon caitlin has been running a fever. at first i thought it was due to some teething (even though she's never run fever before when thats happened). but she's had a runny nose for awhile and a slight cough, so i'm thinking now its either a cold or allergies. either way there isnt anything a pediatrician can do (so i've been told before) so i've just been giving her tylenol and ibuprofin. thankfully she likes the taste of those! her energy level is a little less than usual, but definitely not as wiped out as i would be if i were running a fever for 2.5 days!! you can tell in her eyes though that she's not feeling 100%. i just hate this though...i wish i knew what was going on and how to fix it!


the doctor said it was a virus so we just have to wait it out. she said caitln's throat was red and to give her slush and popsicles. this afternoon caitlin is feeling alot better..figures that i'd go to the doctor and spend the money and then a couple hours caitlin is acting normal. geesh. anyway, i'm just glad that she is doing better.

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