Monday, August 30, 2010

alphabet and spanish

ok, so i am a proud momma when it comes to caitlin. what can i say. she is one smart cookie to say the least. she knows most of her colors. her vocabulary is amazing. she knows her right and left. she knows many songs. she knows her numbers by sight as well as counting to 12. she knows her alphabet, not just the song. and she knows some spanish words and can count to 10 in spanish. all good things.

i am now trying to work on the sounds that go with the letters.

below is an alphabet puzzle i have that caitlin likes to play with. under each letter is a picture representing something starting with the letter. she will pull out the letter from the bag, say the name of it, and place it where it needs to go. no problem with that. except.... remember how i said she knows some spanish? well, under the letter M there is a picture of the moon. caitlin knows the letter M. she knows the moon. but she is too smart for her own good sometimes: she will pick up the letter M, place it in the correct spot, and say "luna" ever so proudly. um...while she is correct (luna being the spanish word for moon) i am hoping that she doesnt grow up thinking the letter M sounds like the letter L! actually i find this situation rather amusing and try not to laugh too loud when she does it :)

i can only imagine what will come next out of that smarty pants!

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