Tuesday, April 6, 2010

seasonal closet cleaning

today i rearranged caitln's spring/summer and fall/winter clothes. time to put the short sleeves,etc in a more accessable place. i even organized her shirts by color! definatly too much time on my hands :) anyway, while doing so, i got kinda sentimental. caitlin has some really cute winter stuff. there are even a few outfits i bought on clearance a few weeks ago as the stores were getting rid of the winter inventory that caitlin hasnt even worn yet. i got sentimental because next year she will prob be too big to wear most of this stuff. i had to put quite a bit of her spring/summer clothing in the donate box from last season. i tell ya, this is why i do most of my shopping at Goodwill--kids grow so fast!! the forecast says we might still have some cool days ahead, so the winter cuteness isn't all lost, yet.

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