Tuesday, January 19, 2010

daily life

there isnt really anything new to post lately, things are pretty much same ole same ole. caitlin still picks at her food, except for the bannanas, oranges and other fruit. last night we had family and friends over for dinner, and caitlin loved having her Opa around to play and watch Dragon Tales with! Opa is definatly close to the center of her universe :) i really need to take more video of her at this stage...i know she is growing so fast and this will all be changed in a blink of an eye. she is getting more clever by the moment..yesterday she tried climbing over the baby gate we have up in the kitchen so she could come see what was going on. this is the first time she has tried climbing over it. we're in trouble now! the weather has been cold lately but a couple days ago it was nice so we went to the playground at the library. as soon as we drove into the parking lot caitlin saw the fun stuff and said loudly and eagerly "PLAY!!" i'm looking forward to the nicer weather so we can get out and do more like that.

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