Thursday, May 27, 2010

potty training

we have entered the land of potty training. i figured since she kept taking off all her clothes we might as well use the diaper free time to good use,right? :) so off i went to buy a kiddy potty and i'm happy to say that yesterday she went in it 3 times!! i was soo happy!! and then first thing this morning too. yesterday her reward was mommy jumping around, clapping, and cheering when she went. today i realized the power of "ookie" (aka cookie).

but the problem i'm having is getting her to TELL me when she needs to go potty. yesterday i knew she was ready to go because she either took her diaper off (after she went in it) and ran around or i was lucky enough to catch her as she was in the process of removing said diaper. i then sat her on the potty and she went.

but now i need her to be proactive and let me know ahead of time. i'm sure it will come eventually and for now i am just excited that she's going in the potty at all. because that means the end of buying diapers is coming. yay!!!!

Monday, May 24, 2010

First Haircut

today Caitlin had her first real haircut. (Mamaw had trimmed her bangs once before) we went to Cool Cuts cause i had heard it was the place to take kids, and thats so true! they have toys, games, videos, neat seats, tons of stuff to keep kids occupied so they wont get scared getting their hair cut. granted, the price was a bit much for my tastes but i guess you pay for the atmosphere! anyway, Caitlin did real well.she got to watch Dora. the stylist said that she will have thick curly hair (yay! so glad she wont have fine hair like me!) and that the cowlick will just have to grow out. the lady was so nice to caitlin too. and then she collected some of the hair and put it in a keepsake (free!) which i thought was really cool. of course, i took tons of pics like any good momma :) (ack, for some reason they loaded back to front so i guess we'll start with the finished product and work backwards)

Dora bed

i was at Goodwill this weekend and saw this Dora toddler bed frame. it was at an amazing price that i couldn't refuse. and since caitlin has been doing well sleeping on her mattress on the floor, i figured it was about time for a bed. and let me just say, she LOVES it! this morning i found her just lying on it having a conversation with Dora and Boots. too cute. and she has not fallen out of it. yay :)

Monday, May 17, 2010

that phase

caitlin has entered that phase. not the terrible two's. not the 'mine' phase. no, much worse.

the 'i will take my clothes off and run around the house naked' phase. oh joy.

at least its not being done in public...yet.

Monday, May 10, 2010

AMAZING photos

my friends Kelly and Kim surprised me with a beautiful mothers day/birthday gift. unbeknowst to me, when i thought Kelly was just babysitting Caitlin one day, they were actually out on a photo shoot capturing Caitlin in all her beauty. Kim is such a gifted photographer, if you need some professional pics done let me know and i'll hook ya'll up :) anyway, here are a few to give you an idea of the wonderful job these ladies did. and trust me, these do not do justice to the original prints. i got about 75 pics total:

they put together a collage

picture of one of the pics

picture of another one of the pics

out of all the photos, i think this one is my favorite. caitlin looks so grown up though! this is a picture of the original pic, so thats why the flash mark shows up. the original pic doesnt have it

another pic of a pic

her expression is caitlin

loving this outfit!

Sunday, May 9, 2010


sshhh, please be quiet:
click on the play button and it will start

Thursday, May 6, 2010


caitlin is a mega sponge right now. she is totally absorbing EVERYTHING. its so fun to teach her new stuff :)

so she knows 'Patty-cake" now. except i didnt remember the exact words, so this is our version-

patty cake, patty cake, bakers man.
bake me a cake as fast as you can.
roll it and roll it and mark it with a C
and put it in the oven for mommy and me

watch her sing it here: (yes the screen is black but i promise if you click the play arrow it will play)

Sunday, May 2, 2010

crib recall saga (kinda long)

the past few days i have been on a mission. a mission of safety. a mission of purpose. a mission of principle :)

it started when i got an email saying some cribs made by a company called Simplicity were being recalled due to metal rods that are the mattress frame supports are breaking. turns out Simplicity has gone out of business, so the CPSC (Consumer Product Safety Commission) doesnt have full knowledge of all the cribs sold. but the recall notice states :This recall involves ALL Simplicity cribs with tubular metal mattress-support frames regardless of model number.

so off i go to Babies R Us where i got my crib to find out what to do next. the manager i spoke with said they had been given only a few models of the crib that they were allowed to accept back, and mine wasnt on the list. i explained that the notice said ALL were being recalled. he said if i brought in the paper i had showing that he would take care of it.

well then i decided to call a different BabiesRUs, closer to my home. the people there said the same thing-no can do.

quite frustrated at this point, i decided to call the CPSC hotline to find out what to do. they took my information and said a compliance officer would be contacting me and the stores to resolve the issue.

yesterday i decided to call the BabiesRUs company's 1-800 number. the person i spoke with there told me that the managers had been told to take ALL cribs and that i could bring it to a store.

so this morning i disassembled the crib and put the parts in our car to take to the store. i went to the one nearest to me. long story short, i will NEVER shop there again. the person i spoke with was rude, insisted that they could only take certain cribs, and not willing to work with me even after i showed him in black and white the recall notice and told him what BRU corporate told me on the phone yesterday. sorry, they said.

so i decided to call the first store i went to the other day and speak with that manager again. he is now my hero. his name is Jorge. he said i could come there, as long as i had the recall notice so he could put that with the return information, and he could give me store credit for the crib even though it was not on their list. Hooray :) we went, we dealt with Jorge, and we left happy customers. i will most certainly shop at that store again even though its a bit further from my home.

only goes to show what good customer service will do. i am gonna write a very nice Thank You card and personally deliver it to Jorge sometime this week. he deserves it.

so now i am without crib. that isnt a bad thing, since i was getting ready to try the whole toddler bed thing again. for now though i have just her mattress on the floor up against the wall. once she gets used to staying on that i may try an actual bed. but thats for another time.