Thursday, May 27, 2010

potty training

we have entered the land of potty training. i figured since she kept taking off all her clothes we might as well use the diaper free time to good use,right? :) so off i went to buy a kiddy potty and i'm happy to say that yesterday she went in it 3 times!! i was soo happy!! and then first thing this morning too. yesterday her reward was mommy jumping around, clapping, and cheering when she went. today i realized the power of "ookie" (aka cookie).

but the problem i'm having is getting her to TELL me when she needs to go potty. yesterday i knew she was ready to go because she either took her diaper off (after she went in it) and ran around or i was lucky enough to catch her as she was in the process of removing said diaper. i then sat her on the potty and she went.

but now i need her to be proactive and let me know ahead of time. i'm sure it will come eventually and for now i am just excited that she's going in the potty at all. because that means the end of buying diapers is coming. yay!!!!

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