Thursday, May 6, 2010


caitlin is a mega sponge right now. she is totally absorbing EVERYTHING. its so fun to teach her new stuff :)

so she knows 'Patty-cake" now. except i didnt remember the exact words, so this is our version-

patty cake, patty cake, bakers man.
bake me a cake as fast as you can.
roll it and roll it and mark it with a C
and put it in the oven for mommy and me

watch her sing it here: (yes the screen is black but i promise if you click the play arrow it will play)


  1. Too cute! Can't wait for Itsy Bitsy Spider, and I'm a little Tea Pot.

  2. we try the Itsy Bitsy Spider, but she hasn't quite figured it out. soon i think! i had forgotten about Tea Pot!
