Saturday, March 13, 2010

eye update

even though caitlins eyes were clear this morning i went to the childrens urgent care center just to get her checked out and ask some questions. but the wait was gonna be forever, so i decided to leave. went to b'day party and had a fun time. but then after playing outside caitlins eyes got a little green gunk. so i called the "dial-a-nurse" thing at the Methodist Childrens Hospital and asked the nurse about baby benedryl, etc. and got the directions for caitlins size and weight. nurse said if there was a fever of 100.4 or greater plus green eye goup, plus red eyelids all at the same time then she would need to be seen asap. (which she has had all three in the past 2 weeks, but at different times!) so as it stands its either allergies or her nose is so stuffed the congestion is coming out her eyes (sounds gross!) and to just keep her passageways clear and wash her face and wipe her eyes with cottonball soaked in warm water. so i feel better and hopefully caitlin will too once she takes some allergy meds.

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