Friday, March 12, 2010

yucky eyes and haircut

ever since putting the crib back caitlin has been sleeping like a baby! oh wait.... anyway, we are both getting full nights sleeps again. what a difference that makes. but this week the drama came in the form of sick eyes. caitlin woke one day with the skin above and below her eye being all pink. the eyeball itself isnt red, just the skin. and green discharge in her eyes. i'm not sure what to make of it. i had some antibiotic eye cream that i've been using (i still had it from when she had a clogged tear duct when she was a couple months old) and its made the pink go away and the green to subside a little. but whenever caitlin is outside playing the green goup comes back in force. its just lovely. i'm really not sure whether or not to take her to the doctor..i'm thinking its allergies to something in the yard (it happend at my parents house too, so its not just my yard that affects her). i asked the pharmacist at Target about baby benedryl and she said it would be best to consult her pediatrician. and since caitlin is suppossed to go to a birthday party tomorrow where i'm pretty sure there will be outside playing and lots of other kids i'm thinking of taking her to the dr. anyway today. but we'll see.

and yesterday caitlin had her first hair cut! we were over at my parents house and Mamaw cut off the straggly hairs in the back. i took some photos of the event on my phone but i need to upload those to the computer. i'll post them soon. caitlins hair is still very fine and thin so it will be awhile before a major haircut is needed. but none the less i kept the hairs to put in her baby book :)

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