Friday, March 26, 2010

my poor baby

this morning at 5am caitlin woke up with a fever, again. i'm getting pretty good at expecting this on a daily basis now, sad as it seems. what i'm NOT getting good at is giving her tylenol/motrin. she is one persistant stubborn little girl. after about 20 minutes of fighting with her to take it and wasting about 1/3 the bottle in the process i gave up and woke up daddy to help. even with two people its a major struggle to get her to injest this stuff. finally i got her to swallow about 1/4 the required dosage. we also had her in just her diaper with a cool washcloth on her body. we put her in her favorite spot-the tv recliner-and waited till she got sleepy enough to go back to her crib.

around 9 i called the pediatrician and got an appointment for 11am. chris called in to work to take off a half day so he could help me out. she was still burning up by the time we arrived at the doctors. 103 to be exact. so the nurse said she would bring us some motrin. and yes, another struggle ensued. but this time the doctor (actually we saw the PA who i really really like, so that was a plus!) helped us give caitlin the motrin. even so, she only swallowed about 1/4 of the dose, again. most of it ended up on the doctor's glasses, clothes and on us.

anyway, after doing an exam it was determined that caitlin had an ear infection in both ears and sore throat. she had also developed a rash which the dr. said was due to the fever and would get worse before getting better, but not to worry about it. then the nurse came back in and did a swab test for flu and strep. after the strep test caitlin vomited. and unfortunatly there went the 1/4 of motrin from earlier, plus other liquids, all over chris who was holding her, and the chair, and the floor. just lovely. the tests turned out to be negative, thankfully, and the dr gave us a prescription for antibiotic that should help the ears.

the only problem will be getting her to swallow the medicine! thakfully its only once a day for 5 days. i will try to be as sneaky as possible in mixing it with other foods/juice. but caitlin is a smart girl and i'm afraid will know something is different. so please pray we have success! the antibiotic is too expensive to be wasted on our clothes. or the floor.

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